Legal Status

Business Entity:

ToilBee Services is a legal entity registered and operating in accordance with the legislation of DW, USA.

Registered Name: ToilBee LLC

Contact Information: For legal inquiries or correspondence, you can contact ToilBee at: support [ @ ] toilbee [ . ] com


Copyright Information:

All content, trademarks, logos, and intellectual property displayed on ToilBee are the property of ToilBee unless otherwise stated. Any unauthorized use, reproduction, or distribution is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action.


Governing Law and Jurisdiction:

ToilBee's legal affairs are governed by the laws of DW, USA. Any legal disputes arising from the use of our platform shall be resolved exclusively in the courts of DW, USA.


Compliance and Regulatory Information:

ToilBee operates in compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards. For specific regulatory compliance or certifications, please contact our legal department.


Updates to Legal Status Information:

ToilBee reserves the right to update or modify the legal status information provided herein. Any changes will be reflected on this page.